Category: Mushrooms
Subcategory: THC
The typical dose for most magic mushrooms is between 1 and 2.5 grams of dried shrooms. Many people use this dose or higher for self-exploration, recreation, or spiritual purposes. On the other hand, microdosers tend to take small doses to improve their well-being or enhance their emotional or mental state, without the psychedelic trip.
Each capsule contains Ginger Root Extract, which will help reduce nausea that is often experienced during ingestion of Psilocybin Mushrooms.
Contains: 15 x 200mg capsules of B+ Psilocybin + 10mg of Organic Ginger Root
For microdosing: Take 1 capsule every 3 days in the morning.
For pleasure: Take 3-5 capsules for beginners or 5-7 capsules for those more experienced.
UNIT: ounce(s)
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